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You've just inherited your
Grandpas Coin Collection
now what?

The 1st thing you need to decide is do I keep it or sell it? If you have an interest in coins it's a no brainer. If not you have some decisions to make. If you decide to sell it there are a few things you need to know.  If the collection given to you has been collected over a number of years there's likely to be some value especially if many of the coins are silver or gold.


Step 1) So step one is fairly easy. Sort by metals

content. Gold, Silver, Copper ETC.

If you're not sure of the content you can

buy a RED book.  (Click Here to order Red Book)


Step 2) Look for key date coins. Keep in mind just

because a coin is old doesn't make it

valuable. What really makes a coin

valuable is its rarity, condition & demand.

So to make it easy we've made a list of

the key date coins.    (Click Here)


Step 3) Sort your wheat cents.



So why take the time to look though a big collection in search of a few rare coins?


~ 1st- It will help maximize your results when you

go to sell. Dealers like us will pay a little more if

it's presorted especially wheat cents. This

makes it easier to appraise & takes less time.


~ 2nd- With lines big and people waiting it's easy to over look something, especially if you have bags of wheat cents.


~ 3rd- Less likely you'll be taken advantage of from a less reputable dealer.

Sorting Your Wheat Cents

Question: Why do I need to pre-sort my wheat cents?


Answer: If you have a significant amount of wheat cents and pre-sort them, WE WILL PAY MORE!


Your wheat Cents         1909 - 1919

need to be sorted         1920 - 1929

into the following          1930 - 1939

groups. ------------>         1940 - 1958 P & D

                                        1940 - 1958 S Only

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